Sunday, April 26, 2009

What should i do to control my balance in practicing wushu?

when we practice wushu, i always fell down to the floor. and my instructor is shouting at me, he sead that you need to control your balance. What should I do?|||set forms, help alot.

Hand and then weapon forms are a part of the training.

An example is a hand form that teachs first a single sword and then a double sword form.

That is what it takes to earn a green belt in San Soo with a total of 120 combat techniques.

Now add the next hand form that teachs the long pole, or 6%26#039; staff. Then your a brown add 40 more techniques.

Now add that next hand form that teachs another weapon set. And add another 40 techniques and well your on your way to a BB in San Soo.

If no balance your forms will suck, and it will be obvious in your weapon skills as the clip I showed earlier displayed. Weapon skills are different than those of hand to hand. Or one in the same, depending on training principle.|||practice at home because you need great cordination and you don%26#039;t have it at all i didn%26#039;t have the perfect balence like they want you to have in wushu so i dropped out and became a black belt in a simple art takwondo|||Learn to stand.If you can stand on one leg and stoop down and stand up again then you will have balance.|||Standing on one foot for equal lengths on each one will greatly increase your balance.

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