Monday, November 16, 2009

In Kung Fu Panda. What is the meaning of the wushu finger hold.?

Can anyone explain what is the meaning of the wushu finger hold and how does it, %26quot;theoretically%26quot; work.? What did it do to the Big Grey Cat? or did the Cat exploded own his free will?|||even though shifu he was able to train Po in a relatively short period of time, he couldn%26#039;t teach him something that was so powerful only he knows (also because it was a secret). but on the other hand, Po said that he figured it out(by himself), and like Saturnday said, it was more of an illusion that the tiger believed, so it happened.

I don%26#039;t think there is any way u can damage someone so badly only by rotating his finger. I mean the connection between the finger, the hand the rest of the body is not strong enough.

I%26#039;m pretty sure that our minds can work as a simulator for illusion that we believe in, so it%26#039;s like they come true, or is the(our) world made only by what we believe in?

and if the cat exploded, how come Po wasn%26#039;t hurt

overall, the movie is nice, but nothing from the west can rival asian animation, especially anime|||the wushu finger hold is not a physical attack at all. the flexing of the pinky is only a trigger for the chi energy that you gather at the tip of your fingers and push it through the body of the opponent which destroys the opponents inner organs. Report Abuse
|||First of all, wushu EXISTS. It is one branch of Kung Fu that specialises in the use of fingers as a tool for self-defence. I%26#039;m not saying that the %26#039;wushu-finger%26#039; hold is real but wushu is VERY REAL. Report Abuse
|||Haha i remember that no offense to the best answer (which i believe is the most realistic answer) but my 10yrld kid cousin gave me a weirder answer for that move using the %26quot;hard to clean up afterwards%26quot; saying of shifu he deducted that its a pressure point in that makes enemy poop like crazy LOL... Report Abuse
|||Basically, the %26quot;big grey cat%26quot; theoretically %26quot;exploded%26quot;. Remember the earlier scene when Shifu told Po that the most difficult thing to do when using Wuxi Finger Hold is cleaning up afterwards? I guess its because the pieces are thrown away in ever direction and with Po%26#039;s girth, that would be a kinda lot of mess.

It think it uses some form of %26#039;butterfly effect%26#039; where an exertion of little effort can have catastrophic effect on the person it was being inflicted to.

And true, the style is not possible theoretically, I think even with superpowerful fingers. But movies are movies and if that makes you happy then good for you.:)|||It is a very tiny hold on a minor body part, and yet is purported to deliver enormous destruction.

Kinda like the cliche that mice scare elephants, the little-overcomes-big paradigm.|||mmk, the wuxi fingerhold isn%26#039;t real. when you put someone in the hold, they explode, but only in the movie. the cat exploded because of the hold. you couldnt ever do this in real life. its not even theoretical|||wushu finger hold is one of many mystical combinational move that only real Kung Fu masters know. They are very dangerous %26amp; only handful of masters know about it.|||Everyone else has answered pretty well, i just wanted to add it%26#039;s a snow leopard, not just a grey cat :)|||lol the movie is called kung fu panda.... dont take anything you see in it too seriously

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