Monday, November 16, 2009

In practicing wushu do we ned to go to the basics?

Wushu|||oyea you need to always work and stay well established in the basics. The foundation is based on that. Wu shu demands your focus and ability to harmonize your body%26#039;s posture, movements, thought, and keep it at a pace that it becomes like water flowing. This continuos action is the basic foundation of Wu Shu. And when weilding a dangerous weapon, you fully see and understand it%26#039;s importance of the basics.

It is said a great master simply returns to being a beginner, as we grow we learn where what we thought once was perfect was not. It is the never ending road to perfection. That is Wu Shu, old or new, the same intention.

Wu Shu has many doors as do CMA, but the common principle is perfection of the person thru self discovery. And trust me it is a long road, and without all the glory of say MMA.|||Do you mean return to them or start there?|||yes, you need to built the foundation so that you are less likely to get injured during the Wushu practice.

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