Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are Benefits of Regular Push ups and Running ? or i should join martial arts wushu ?

i am physically weak

i want to became strong at any cost because i had to became mtv roadie at any cost

if i will do daily running and push ups than it will increase my

physical power or i should join wushu martial arts

there is only wushu classes held near our home

i also suffur from cosntapation so can hard work in wushu class will solve my problem of constapation|||Okay, lets take this one step at a time. First running is cardio exercise, push ups are strength training.

Cardio exercise includes any form of excercise such as running/jogging/swimming/cycling etc that gets your heart rate pumping and you sweating and out of breath. It will not only burn calories and reduce your body fat levels, therefore making you %26#039;slimmer%26#039; by having less fat on you, but will also improve your resting heart rate and lung function, making you healthier.

I can%26#039;t stress the importance of cardio excercise enough, a good benchmark to aim for is to run a mile and a half in 12 minutes or less (thats the basic military standard - I%26#039;m ex infantry).

Strength training will help you strengthen and tone your muscles. This is done with the use of weights or by free training.

There are essentially (without getting overly complicated) two types of strength excercises based on different types of muscle fibres depending on wether you want to build size, bulk and power, or just %26#039;tone%26#039; up the lean muscles an get more muscle endurance.

Heavy weights with short reps/sets will build your fast twitch muscle fibres and build size, power and strength. Imagine big guys at the gym lifting heavy weights.

But if you use light to medium weights with lots of reps/sets you will excercise your slow twitch muscle fibres, you wont build size, but you will tone up your body and train muscle endurance. This will obviously make you %26#039;look%26#039; healthier and more toned, but will also increase your metabolism (as your muscles demand more energy) so you will burn calories faster. These muscles are also excercised a lot with cardio workouts (i.e your leg muscles when running).

If you are in a gym then it is a good idea to use a mixture of both free weights/excercises (such as dumbell curls or sit ups/push ups) and using the machines. You don%26#039;t need a particular order/regime, just excercise your whole body. Don%26#039;t concentrate on one or two areas, use everything to a greater or lesser degree! ;D

As far as excercise goes, you should aim to strike a balance between cardio training and strength training, this way you will build good strong and toned muscle, but also keep your body fat levels down and increase your heart and lung performance, making you much fitter and healthier.

Wu Shu classes will give you a good cardio and strength workout as well as martial arts training.

Second your constipation, you need to sort your diet. Get more fibre for a start.

For a healthy diet, you need to be eating small to medium meals regularly. 4 or even 5 times a day. Each meal (apart from breakfast which should preferably be fibre rich), should contain a balanced ammount of carbohydrates for energy, (from potatoes, rice and pasta, etc) protien (from fish, chicken, occassional red meat is fine, soya is good too) and plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (simple fresh fruit and veg). Eat like this and make sure you are well hydrated (fruit juice is as good as water, any fluid counts, but some fluids have negative effects too, such as alcohol or caffiene rich drinks.)

You can have a wide range of healthy meals with this, from Thai, Chinese, Italian, British, Indian, etc. Just make sure each meal contains balanced ammounts of these three. On the bright side too, fresh veg and rice and pasta is a lot cheaper than crappy junk food!

This doesn%26#039;t mean you cant have chocolate or pizza/takeaway/etc, just save them as very occassional treats.

I would join the Wu Shu class, and train on top of it too, as well as eating healthy. You will feel a new man in a few months! ;D|||Are you serious? Well any way lets assume you are for now. First of all go see a doctor about your constipation, why do you think any martial art is going to help you with that? Running and push ups will help a little but alone probably are not going to be enough. Running is a fantastic way to improve your fitness and stamina. Push ups are a great part of a work out but not the only thing you should be doing. There is so much Information available on the net about work outs that you really just need to do some basic research about what would be good for your needs rather than asking on here. Look for stuff that will work your entire body and look at different routines to see what suits you. Eg if they call for lots of expensive equipment and you don%26#039;t have/cant afford it or cant get to a gym then its a waste of time but if its lots of body weight exercises then you should be able to do that with minimal equipment.

As for the Wushu, why not give it a go, it should help your fitness and Agility and flexibility, just bear in mind that its often quite a flashy style and perhaps not best suited for self defence if that%26#039;s what you have in mind. Still its better than doing nothing.

Good look.|||Your question is a joke, and you%26#039;re here to waste peoples%26#039; time. It%26#039;s obvious. I%26#039;ll answer, regardless.

You don%26#039;t become strong just by doing pushups, and you don%26#039;t increase your power by simply becoming more muscular. It%26#039;s far more complex than that.

However, if you%26#039;re thinking that going into wushu will eliminate the need to do pushups, you%26#039;re very mistaken. You will do pushups, and they%26#039;ll be the easiest of your training when you%26#039;re having to hold a ma bu, pu bu, and xu bu for 2 minutes at a time for four sets, then do your other training on top of it.|||t depends what sort of a body you are looking for. martial arts will make you mentally and physically rock solid if you do them for years and years, but you will not have bulging muscles - you will have a lean body. Bruce Lee was pumping his up, in case you want to give him as an example of martial arts bodybuilder. big muscles are a hindrance in martial arts style fighting because they slow you down and weaken your stamina; bigger muscles take much more energy out of you to use. if you want %26#039;visible%26#039; muscles running and push ups is good. push ups should be counterbalanced by an exercise to strenghten your back though, because if you build up your muscles lopsidedly as it were you will experience problems. if you really want to train and build up your body i advise you to go to your local gym and book a fitness instructor for an hour or so to give you some advice and help you set realistic goals. moreover, if you want to get fit it%26#039;s not all about exercising either, you need to pay attention to things such as diet and enough sleep and a general healthy lifestyle. i don%26#039;t know anything about constipation but i%26#039;m sure a gym instructer may be able to help you. good luck.|||Well, Wushu will give you good cardio and tone your muscles. As for the constipation, start taking a fiber supplement. That%26#039;ll keep you regular.|||If you join wushu arts you will do running and push ups, I guarantee that.

I do not think it will help your constipation though|||Are you the diamond push-up guy? Be honest!

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